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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Acupuncture Safe?

In the hands of a licensed practitioner acupuncture is a very safe, pain-free and very effective.

Is Acupuncture Painful?

Acupuncture treatments are not painful. Acupuncture is performed with hair-thin needles that do not resemble the pain felt from a hypodermic needle.

Are there any side effects?

One of the great advantages of acupuncture is that it is very safe. Other than an occasional bruise, there are no side effects.

How does Acupuncture work?

Our body has life-energy pathways or energy-carrying channels called meridians on it. These meridians have several important places on them which we call are acupuncture points which are stimulated with the help of needles to obtain curative effects.

Is Acupressure more effective or acupuncture?

Both are very effective in their own ways. It is suggested based on the patient’s medical history or any other considering factor

How can I prepare for my acupuncture treatment?

The best way to prepare is to eat a snack or a light meal before treatment so the you body has sufficient energy to work with. If possible it is best to wear loose clothing so that your arms and legs are accessible for treatment. After treatment we recommend you drink a glass of water to help stabilize your energy.

Where do the needles go?

Needles are placed at specific acupuncture points on the body. Depending on the specific condition the needles commonly are placed at or below the elbows, and at or below the knees. Other common areas are on the back, abdomen and ears.

Can I receive acupuncture when I am pregnant?

Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and can help relieve many pregnancy and postpartum conditions. Because there are some acupuncture points that are contraindicated during pregnancy it is important to inform the practitioner if you are pregnant. We highly recommend acupuncture during through your first trimester to help assist embryo development, prevent miscarriage, and address any other symptoms that may arise.

Is Acupressure more effective or acupuncture?

Both are very effective in their own ways. It is suggested based on the patient’s medical history or any other considering factor

When is Acupressure treatment recommended?

Half-an-hour after a hot water bath, When in a balanced state of mind, Two hours after a meal, Two hours after medication.